
Pam K

The New Life Serenity Center has provided me with a clear and definitive plan for resolving my financial issues. With their guidance and support, my credit score has already increased by 42 points! It has also provided me with methods and routines for increasing contact with my Higher Power. With their encouragement and by implementing their suggestions, I engage in prayer, yoga and meditation every day. I have never experienced this sense of inner peace or this deep connection to a power greater than myself before. It is truly remarkable. I am very grateful.

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Joanne M

As an alcoholic I was conditioned to think I had to do everything by myself. I was stopped by my fear of someone saying no they would not help me. The New Life Serenity Center changed all that for me. I was given an opportunity to be supported. I took that opportunity with reluctance believing it was not true. No one would just help me for nothing, right? But these women did. Knocked the socks off of me as a matter of fact. A tribe of women, worked over the weekend for four days putting a résumé together for me. That résumé was stellar! I would even hire me! At that time I was 62 and as a result, I got a wonderful job that provides for me and my live-in grandson who I am helping to get through high school. Thank you New Life Serenity Center.

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Angela T

The New Life Serenity Center team helped me with addressing my legal issues head on. They supported me with multiple court hearings and counselled me with how to address these legal issues with physical, emotional and financial support. I feel I could not have gotten out from under my legal consequences without them.

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a woman smiling at camera

Stacy P.

“I was lost and asking myself… How will I provide for my family with my record? Am I a good mother? Am I good enough? The lie that I wasn’t, crept in over and over again. Enter NLSC. Started with their parenting class where I took a close look at what needed to be healed from my own childhood. Learned that what we don’t heal and learn from, we repeat. I discovered how to be mindful of my triggers and now have practical techniques to use on the job as a parent… ”

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